We are a senior Girl Scout Troop from Colorado.  We have been together since Kindergarten,  grown up together and are now besties.  In girl scouts we have hosted cookie rallies, participated in multiple events including World Thinking Day and we have earned our Bronze and Silver award. This is our take action plan for our sisterhood journey to educate young girls on menstruation, be a resource and to help break the stigma of the word that no one likes to talk about.  

Kody (Red): Hello there, I'm kody! I'm an artist and a marital artist and I'm currently working on my green belt and would like to open my own dojo one day. I love music, movies and am all about nerdy stuff! I'm newer to scouts and love this troop, they are an amazing community and I feel like I really fit here. 

Naomi: hi, I like to draw, cosplay, and play video games in my free time. Girl scouts is really fun and I love getting to work on making the world a better place. My page is about PMS and some ways to treat it, I hope it helps someone someday :)

Leah: Hi! I'm Leah! I like to swim competitively, cosplay, and watch anime! My page of this website is to educate you about periods and that it's okay to talk about them and you shouldn't have to feel ashamed to be on your period. It's perfectly natural. I love working with my girl scout besties and being active in the girl scout community. 

Chloe: Hello my name is Chloe and I love to paint and draw! Periods are something that happens to half the population and is really something to celebrate. The fact that you are able to create life inside your body is beautiful and you should be proud of it. I love Girl Scouts and how it gives us a chance to change the world and make it the best possible place. 

Allison: Hi my name is Allison I am a competitive level 5 gymnast, I love to ski and snowboard, and I love to be outdoors! This girl scout troop is my family I love all of them so much, they just make my life so much better. The page I worked on for this website was about how to give back, so many girls, women, and trans people go about this world without any menstrual products because they can't afford them. I love to help people and right now it is all about helping you! (I am the short one in the teal hoodie)  ;)

Thank you for being part of our journey and we hope that you have learned from our website and it has helped you  become more comfortable to talk about.  If you want to reach us, you an contact us at Troop61353@gmail.com 

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